On the Subject of the Inverted Coral Cipher
“Coral!” - Rick Grimes
On the module, you will see 3 screens, a keyboard, 2 arrows, and a submit button that displays the current page you’re on.
Pressing the right arrow takes you to the next page. Pressing the left arrow takes you to the previous page. There is a total of 2 pages.
On page 1, the top screen shows a 6 letter encrypted word, the middle screen displays an keyword, and the bottom screen shows a number.
The top screen of page 2 displays another keyword.
Follow the mechanics down below to decrypt your word:
Step 1: GROMARK Cipher
For this, you will need the encrypted word you got from the top screen on page 1 and the key from the top screen on page 2.
Write numbers under the keyword in such a way that the ascending numbers are going in alphabetical order. If there’s a tie between letters, then accend in reading order.
Now take the keyword and remove any duplicate letters while keeping the 1st occurrence. Take the entire alphabet and remove all the letters shown in the keyword.
If the number of ports, modulo 4, is greater than or equal to 2, put the alphabet at the end of the keyword. Otherwise, put the alphabet in front of the keyword.
Write the alphabet key underneath the number key so that it fits in the columns of the key in reading order. Read the alphabet key in ascending numerical order to get your final alphabet key. Write a second alphabet above the alphabet key.
Create a new number key by taking the 1st 3 digits of the number key, and add 3 more numbers to the end of it by summing the 1st 2 numbers, modulo 10, then the 2nd 2 numbers, modulo 10, etc.